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Letter from the Executive Director for October 2023: Leominster Flooded, as Expected =(

September was very busy on all fronts. We made substantial contributions to rent control opposition and climate change, but sadly the latter came too late for parts of Leominster. Our…

Eversource’s Framingham Geothermal Pilot Project Nearly Ready, on Schedule

By Eric Weld, MassLandlords, Inc. Eversource is nearing the point at which it will flip the ON switch for its groundbreaking, regionally networked geothermal pilot project in Framingham. Once the…

MassLandlords Bills Still Active, but Stalled, in 193rd Legislature – An Update

By Eric Weld, MassLandlords, Inc. In January 2023, MassLandlords filed five bills with the 193rd state legislature to establish laws that would improve housing access, quality and security for owners…

How to Close on the Purchase of an Occupied Multifamily Rental Property

By Kimberly Rau, MassLandlords, Inc. You’ve found your perfect property. You’ve done your due diligence on it, conferred with your attorney, who is well-versed in landlord–tenant law, and made it…

How to Negotiate the Purchase of an Occupied Multifamily Rental Property

By Kimberly Rau, MassLandlords, Inc. Real estate purchases can be complicated matters, but some transactions are more complex than others, particularly when the rental home you’re looking to purchase already…

Members: Help Us Create a Permanent Home to Fight Rent Control

By Kimberly Rau, MassLandlords, Inc. Rent control is almost certainly coming up for public decision in 2024. To fight it, we’re fundraising to create a new website, with the sole…

Sea Levels Are Rising Faster and Faster, Portending More Flooding in Mass. – Still Time to Avoid Disaster

By Eric Weld, MassLandlords, Inc. Almost everywhere on earth, certainly including Massachusetts, ocean levels are rising faster than predicted, and their rise is accelerating. All along the U.S. eastern seaboard,…

September Notice for 2023 Annual Business Meeting and Elections

MassLandlords, Inc. is a 501(c)6 nonprofit trade association. Our mission is to create better rental housing in Massachusetts by helping current, new, and prospective landlords run profitable, compliant, quality businesses.…

Letter from the Executive Director for September 2023: Three Year Planning

August flew by for me because I had an apartment for rent and received 161 inquiries over two weeks. The housing market is quite bad for renters at the moment.…

Rent Control Again? Another Proposal Submitted, for 2024 Ballot

By Eric Weld, MassLandlords, Inc. An attempt to enact rent control is making its way through the ballot initiative process. A petition has been filed to replace Chapter 40P, a…