• Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

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7 Tax Questions You Need to Ask as a Landlord

What Are The Important Tax Questions You Need To Ask? No matter who you are, you probably have at least one frustrating story regarding taxes. As a landlord, taxes can…

How to Calculate Depreciation

Calculating Depreciation As many investors know, there are three main ways to make money in real estate investing: appreciation, cash flow, and the tax advantages a property affords you. Fundamental…

The Basics Of Depreciation For Landlords

In the world of taxes, depreciation is one of your best friends—it means more money in your pocket. For that reason, depreciation can make a significant on your bottom line.…

2 Ways To Maximize Your Depreciation Deduction

Every year, tax time rolls around in the spring. And leading up to it, you need to think about whether your business needs to buy business equipment and other depreciable…

How To Maximize The Pass-Through Deduction

In 2018, a new income tax deduction went into effect under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It is called the pass-through deduction or, less commonly, the Qualified Business Income…

What You Need To Know About Operating Expenses For Tax Purposes

In this article, we went over how you can qualify as a business based on rental activities. If you qualify, you’ll need to understand some key elements regarding rental expenses…

The Difference Between Repairs And Improvements On Your Taxes

Maintenance is one of your largest expense categories as a landlord. Fortunately, most of your upkeep costs are tax deductible. Just like operating expenses, repairs and improvements are common expenses…

Understanding Landlord Tax Classifications

Taxes. Often, just the word makes people shudder. As a landlord, taxes are a key part of your business. The more you understand their nuances, the more successful your business…

What You Should Know About Cost Segregation As A Landlord

As a landlord, it’s important to understand how taxes can benefit your business. One of the key things you need to know as a landlord is how to maximize depreciation…

Landlords And Taxes: Understanding Recapture

In other articles on this blog, we’ve covered how to depreciate buildings, additions and improvements, and personal property. But what happens with depreciation when you sell a property? In short,…