• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

lease renewal

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  • 12 Tactics for Better Tenant Retention and Maximized ROI

12 Tactics for Better Tenant Retention and Maximized ROI

The Big Picture on Tactics For Better Tenant Retention And Maximized ROI: Regularly compare your rental units to competitors in terms of pricing and amenities. Conduct market research and exit…

How to Increase Rent Without Losing Tenants (PLUS: Free Raise the Rent Letter)

The Big Picture On How To Increase Rent Without Losing Tenants: Understanding local rental laws is essential for legally implementing rent increases, ensuring landlords comply with specific regulations regarding notice…

Do I Have To Pay Real Estate Agent Again On Lease Renewal?

Does a landlord have to pay a commission again to the real estate agent who initially brought him the tenant if the tenant simply renews the lease is the question…