How To Prevent Renters From Inhabiting Your Storage Unit
Keep Your Renters From Living In Storage Units Can you live in a storage unit? No matter which state you live in, the answer is always “no.” There are several…
Innago’s Rent Payment Tracking Feature
In today’s age, we can track just about anything. You can track the exact location of your Amazon package, UberEats order, or groceries in their delivery truck and even know…
Everything you Need to Know About Accounting as a Landlord
What you Need to Know About Accounting as a Landlord It may not be the most glamorous part of any job, but accounting is critical to every business. Things like…
9 Tips to Keep Good Financial Records For Landlords
9 Financial Record-keeping Tips for Landlords Record-keeping is a key part of being a successful landlord. Taxes shouldn’t require a last-minute panic to find everything you need. Instead, you should…
What is Rent Roll and Why is it Important?
Why is a Rent Roll Important for Landlords? A rent roll is a key report for landlords because it provides information on every rental in your portfolio. The rent roll…
7 Reasons to Have Separate Bank Accounts for Your Rental Business
Why should you have Separate Bank Accounts for your Rental Business Was that a personal or business expense? This and questions like it are ones you want to avoid when…
What’s the Difference Between Cash and Accrual Accounting?
The Differences between Cash and Accrual Accounting Cash-basis and accrual-basis accounting are the most common accounting methods to track revenue and expenses for landlords. One approach will probably be better…
4 Reasons to Hire a CPA for your Rental Business
Why should you Hire a CPA for your Rental Business? The DIY movement continues to grow in popularity across all industries. It makes sense; we have more information at our…
Financial Metrics Landlords Should Track
Which Financial Metrics Should Landlords Track? Tracking and understanding key financial metrics are critical parts of being a landlord. If you want to build a better business, you need to…
Accounting Best Practices for Landlords
What are the Best Accounting Practices for Landlords? As a landlord, you need to understand rental property accounting if you want your business to be successful. We know it’s not…