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Real Estate Success Coaching: Don’t Fear Failure


Feb 20, 2010
Real Estate = Big Money
Image by thinkpanama via Flickr

      The following article is a guest contribution to the Landlord Business Insider by David Gorham:

   Why do we put off starting so many things we want to experience? Perhaps because we are afraid of failure. We tend to shy away from anything that is uncertain or risky. Yet, if we never begin something we want to do, have we failed by not starting at all?

     The fear of failure seems to be ingrained in everyone. A good point to keep in mind is this: if you try something and fail early, you generally gain knowledge to be more successful at the next project you try. So instead of never starting anything new, give it a try and if it doesn’t work out, learn from it and move forward.

     Its best we start early in our attempts to succeed. We often see our jobs as permanent and think that once we have found a career path, we will stay on it. Be open to new jobs and experiences, take chances and if you fail, get back up and get on a new path. We often worry about failing because it can be embarrassing or we fear we may not be able to recover. We can learn so much from our failures. Instead of looking at our failures as a negative, we need to turn them into learning experiences and use them to adapt. If you are afraid of a large failure, start small and try your new attempt in pieces. That way if you fail at one part, you can perfect it or move on to something else without feeling the pressure of a complete loss.

     When you suffer a setback, get up and try again. Accept that life comes with failures. How we handle them determines our future success and the risks we will take. Make every new project and its successes and failures an outlet for learning. This will help set you up for future success.

Here’s to being the BEST you can be,
Dave Gorham, Mindset Coach 609-221-1098

Dave is always happy to talk about his experiences with Frame of Mind
Coaching. You can reach Dave at dave@FrameOfMindCoaching.com

“How would your life be different if you began each day with the belief that you would succeed? ” Find out at Frame of Mind Coaching: http://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/default.aspx?r=1645532282  and Assess your Frame of Mind – This assessment will provide an indication of your current frame of mind and give you an idea of what you need to strengthen and develop in order to draw the results you are looking for:

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